webrtc代码走读一(视频参数配置汇总) 您所在的位置:网站首页 media streamer设置 webrtc代码走读一(视频参数配置汇总)


2024-07-16 00:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265














static const int kDefaultQpMax = 56;

const int kDefaultVideoMaxFramerate = 60;



disable_encryption = true 取消SRTP

disable_encryption = false 开启SRTP


bool Conductor::CreatePeerConnection(bool dtls)配置是否生成密钥。


在webrtc里面函数实现如下: ->VideoStreamEncoder::EncodeVideoFrame ->VideoSender::AddVideoFrame----在这个函数中读取全局变量encoder_params_,判断是否需要调整视频参数。 ->VideoSender::SetEncoderParameters




codec.cc  VideoCodec::SetDefaultParameters











webrtc支持RTPFB和PLI FB两种重传方式。 AssignPayloadTypesAndAddAssociatedRtxCodecs->AddDefaultFeedbackParams里面将两种方式都填写到SDP命令行里面。kRtcpFbParamNack



1、WebRtcVideoSendStream::SetCodec    kNackHistoryMs





十二、协商音视频的PT值 一、视频PT值协商

webrtcvideoengine.cc  static std::vector AssignPayloadTypesAndAddAssociatedRtxCodecs


webrtcvoiceengine.cc   WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel::SetSendCodecs

十三、ICE探测参数配置 struct RTCConfiguration { // This struct is subject to reorganization, both for naming // consistency, and to group settings to match where they are used // in the implementation. To do that, we need getter and setter // methods for all settings which are of interest to applications, // Chrome in particular. RTCConfiguration() = default; explicit RTCConfiguration(RTCConfigurationType type) { if (type == RTCConfigurationType::kAggressive) { // These parameters are also defined in Java and IOS configurations, // so their values may be overwritten by the Java or IOS configuration. bundle_policy = kBundlePolicyMaxBundle; rtcp_mux_policy = kRtcpMuxPolicyRequire; ice_connection_receiving_timeout = kAggressiveIceConnectionReceivingTimeout; // These parameters are not defined in Java or IOS configuration, // so their values will not be overwritten. enable_ice_renomination = true; redetermine_role_on_ice_restart = false; } } static const int kUndefined = -1; // Default maximum number of packets in the audio jitter buffer. static const int kAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets = 50; // ICE connection receiving timeout for aggressive configuration. static const int kAggressiveIceConnectionReceivingTimeout = 1000; IceTransportsType type = kRelay; BundlePolicy bundle_policy = kBundlePolicyBalanced; RtcpMuxPolicy rtcp_mux_policy = kRtcpMuxPolicyRequire; std::vector certificates; int ice_candidate_pool_size = 0; // If set to true, don't gather IPv6 ICE candidates. // TODO(deadbeef): Remove this? IPv6 support has long stopped being // experimental bool disable_ipv6 = false; // If set to true, don't gather IPv6 ICE candidates on Wi-Fi. // Only intended to be used on specific devices. Certain phones disable IPv6 // when the screen is turned off and it would be better to just disable the // IPv6 ICE candidates on Wi-Fi in those cases. bool disable_ipv6_on_wifi = false; // By default, the PeerConnection will use a limited number of IPv6 network // interfaces, in order to avoid too many ICE candidate pairs being created // and delaying ICE completion. // // Can be set to INT_MAX to effectively disable the limit. int max_ipv6_networks = cricket::kDefaultMaxIPv6Networks; // If set to true, use RTP data channels instead of SCTP. // TODO(deadbeef): Remove this. We no longer commit to supporting RTP data // channels, though some applications are still working on moving off of // them. bool enable_rtp_data_channel = false; // Minimum bitrate at which screencast video tracks will be encoded at. // This means adding padding bits up to this bitrate, which can help // when switching from a static scene to one with motion. rtc::Optional screencast_min_bitrate; // Use new combined audio/video bandwidth estimation? rtc::Optional combined_audio_video_bwe; // Can be used to disable DTLS-SRTP. This should never be done, but can be // useful for testing purposes, for example in setting up a loopback call // with a single PeerConnection. rtc::Optional enable_dtls_srtp; / // The below fields are not part of the standard. / // Can be used to disable TCP candidate generation. TcpCandidatePolicy tcp_candidate_policy = kTcpCandidatePolicyEnabled; // Can be used to avoid gathering candidates for a "higher cost" network, // if a lower cost one exists. For example, if both Wi-Fi and cellular // interfaces are available, this could be used to avoid using the cellular // interface. CandidateNetworkPolicy candidate_network_policy = kCandidateNetworkPolicyAll; // The maximum number of packets that can be stored in the NetEq audio // jitter buffer. Can be reduced to lower tolerated audio latency. int audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets = kAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets; // Whether to use the NetEq "fast mode" which will accelerate audio quicker // if it falls behind. bool audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate = false; // Timeout in milliseconds before an ICE candidate pair is considered to be // "not receiving", after which a lower priority candidate pair may be // selected. int ice_connection_receiving_timeout = kUndefined; // Interval in milliseconds at which an ICE "backup" candidate pair will be // pinged. This is a candidate pair which is not actively in use, but may // be switched to if the active candidate pair becomes unusable. // // This is relevant mainly to Wi-Fi/cell handoff; the application may not // want this backup cellular candidate pair pinged frequently, since it // consumes data/battery. int ice_backup_candidate_pair_ping_interval = kUndefined; // Can be used to enable continual gathering, which means new candidates // will be gathered as network interfaces change. Note that if continual // gathering is used, the candidate removal API should also be used, to // avoid an ever-growing list of candidates. ContinualGatheringPolicy continual_gathering_policy = GATHER_ONCE; // If set to true, candidate pairs will be pinged in order of most likely // to work (which means using a TURN server, generally), rather than in // standard priority order. bool prioritize_most_likely_ice_candidate_pairs = false; struct cricket::MediaConfig media_config; // This doesn't currently work. For a while we were working on adding QUIC // data channel support to PeerConnection, but decided on a different // approach, and that code hasn't been updated for a while. bool enable_quic = false; // If set to true, only one preferred TURN allocation will be used per // network interface. UDP is preferred over TCP and IPv6 over IPv4. This // can be used to cut down on the number of candidate pairings. bool prune_turn_ports = false; // If set to true, this means the ICE transport should presume TURN-to-TURN // candidate pairs will succeed, even before a binding response is received. // This can be used to optimize the initial connection time, since the DTLS // handshake can begin immediately. bool presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = false; // If true, "renomination" will be added to the ice options in the transport // description. // See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thatcher-ice-renomination-00 bool enable_ice_renomination = false; // If true, the ICE role is re-determined when the PeerConnection sets a // local transport description that indicates an ICE restart. // // This is standard RFC5245 ICE behavior, but causes unnecessary role // thrashing, so an application may wish to avoid it. This role // re-determining was removed in ICEbis (ICE v2). bool redetermine_role_on_ice_restart = true; // If set, the min interval (max rate) at which we will send ICE checks // (STUN pings), in milliseconds. rtc::Optional ice_check_min_interval; // ICE Periodic Regathering // If set, WebRTC will periodically create and propose candidates without // starting a new ICE generation. The regathering happens continuously with // interval specified in milliseconds by the uniform distribution [a, b]. rtc::Optional ice_regather_interval_range; }; 十四、field_trial参数配置



int PASCAL wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance, wchar_t* cmd_line, int cmd_show) { rtc::WinsockInitializer winsock_init; rtc::Win32SocketServer w32_ss; rtc::Win32Thread w32_thread(&w32_ss); rtc::ThreadManager::Instance()->SetCurrentThread(&w32_thread); WindowsCommandLineArguments win_args; int argc = win_args.argc(); char** argv = win_args.argv(); absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); // InitFieldTrialsFromString stores the char*, so the char array must outlive // the application. const std::string forced_field_trials = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_force_fieldtrials); FileLog* _LogStream = new FileLog(""); rtc::LogMessage::AddLogToStream(_LogStream, rtc::LS_VERBOSE); FILE* file_ = NULL; char buffer[1024*4]; file_ = fopen("config.txt", "rt"); if (file_) { int filesize = 0, readCnt = 0; fseek(file_,0L,SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(file_); fseek(file_,0L,SEEK_SET); readCnt = fread(buffer,filesize,1,file_); if (readCnt) { webrtc::field_trial::InitFieldTrialsFromString(buffer); RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR)






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